Friday, April 2, 2010

Student reflections

Please post your reflection in the comments box in this post. Do answer the following questions and feel free to add in your own thoughts.

1. How has this activity broadened your ideas about globalization?
2. Did you enjoy the whole learning process? Why or why not?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Students questions.

Hi Sec 4E1

I realised many of you had questions on how to use Cmap and how to upload it to your blogs.

You may want to try looking through this Cmap tutorial I found.

As for uploading your Cmaps to your blog, your classmate Melissa posted a solution in comments earlier.. (Thanks Melissa!)

Go File> Export CMap as> Save as Jpeg file > upload to Blog as image

If you found any other solutions or have questions, post it in the comments section here.

Lesson introduction and homework.

The Effects of Globalization.

Your topics : 6 impacts of globalization.

1. Negative environmental impacts of globalisation

2. Negative economic impacts of globalisation.

3. Negative social impacts of globalisation.

4. Positive enviromental impacts of globalisation

5.Positive economic impacts of globalisation

6.Positive social impacts of globalisation


Learning objectives:

Each student must know and be able to recall the six impacts of globalization and provide examples.

There will be 6 groups of students.

Each group will be assigned one topic.

Your homework for the next 1 week is this:

1: Search for sources that support your topic and post your individual findings in your group blog.

a) Each group member should post their individual findings in this format for easy identification:

Student Name: ____________________
Topic: ____________________
Source: ____________________
What does the source say about the topic:____________________________

b) Try searching for articles, cartoons, videos that support the topic.

c) Each group member should contribute at least 2 different sources.

Part 2: Read your groupmates’ sources and discuss as a group.

As a group, discuss and evaluate your sources using these guiding questions,

--> Does this source show the negative/positive impact of globalization?
--> Is this source reliable?
--> Does the summary reflect the key points of the source?

a) Posting your comments on each others’ sources.

b) Give suggestions or advice within the blog.

c) Each member should give at least 6 comments.

d) Check out other groups blogs and post at least 2 comments on each of their blogs.

e) As a group, select 3 sources to share with your classmates next week.

Part 3: Creating a Cmap for each of your 3 sources.

a)Check and summarize all your sources in preparation for a class presentation of your findings next lesson.

b) Create a Cmap showing how your 3 sources led to a negative or positive impact of globalization.

c) Finally, each student has to post 1 reflection comment in Teacher’s blog.

d) Briefly mention any challenges faced in doing the research (example: difficulty in understanding some sources) and any group issues or technical issues.

About your in class presentation:

1) Please show your 3 Cmaps to the class and share with your classmates the key points of your real life examples. Also be prepared to explain why the source is reliable. Be prepared to take questions from your classmates.

Have fun!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Links to group blogs

Group 1 -
Group 2- (insert other students blog links here)
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6

Suggested websites

Suggested websites

Students should start by searching for sources on these 3 websites first*. Of course feel free to check other online sources, example: Youtube for videos etc.

(* Teacher is providing scaffolding to guide students research)

Introduction to your assignment

Dear Sec 4E1,

I am glad to see how enthusiastic you guys were over this project in class today! I am sure that you will enjoy exploring this topic on your own and sharing your findings in your group blogs and with your classmates.

Please read my post entitled Assignment Instructions carefully before you begin your group's topic. Remember you have to share your findings in class next week so be prepared to speak up.

Also please take note of your tasks and deadlines and plan your work carefully in order to finish before the class sharing next week.

As always, if you have any questions, leave your comments here. Or you may email me directly if you have private concerns.

Enjoy your learning journey!

Mrs Geo (Social Studies teacher)

Time line of work:

  • 1st week: 1 April 09 to 7 April 09 - Please finish Parts 1-3.
  • 2nd week: 8 April 09 - Group presentation. Select 3 sources and take 5 minutes to share with your classmates.

Welcome to a sample of a Teacher's Globalisation blog!


Group members assigned topics.

1. Positive economic impact - Group 1 members: Weihao, Shujun, Liyan, Darrick, Danial, Ali.
2. Positive social impact - Group 2 members: Sam, John, Mary, Cory, Matt, Eric.
3. Positive enviromental impact -
4. Negative economic impact
5. Negative social impact -
6. Negative enviromental impact -